Fox Applications

With greater availability of food in urban areas, the ever-cunning fox has moved closer and closer to human habitation bringing with it a host of health concerns. Livestock such as chickens can be a target for foxes. They regularly kill the entire population with the intentions of return for the extra corpses later. Livestock aside, foxes raid bins, spreading mess and disease. The mess they make encourage other pests to take up residences such as rats, too.  Even a fox's mating calls (screams) can be very distressing. It can often be likened to the sound of a screaming woman in distress. Foxes often carry a range of parasites and diseases that can be passed on to humans and domestic pets. Cats and dogs are far more likely than humans to pick up something nasty from a fox, but the risk of exposure to rabies, leptospirosis, salmonella, campylobacter, e.coli or bovine tuberculosis (TB) from direct contact with a fox cannot be discounted either.

